How it Works
You upload your file...
Include all pages that you would like us to edit
... and let us know the important details
E.g., style guidelines, target word count, supervisor feedback, etc.
We confirm your quote and return time, and send you an invoice
Standard turnaround for up to 14,000 words is 4 working days (turnaround for longer documents will be confirmed on receipt of file). We also offer a 2-day Express Service.
You make your payment
Preferred payment method is credit/debit card; bank transfer is also available
We get editing, and email you the completed work when we're done
You'll get one file showing Tracked Changes, and one "clean" version.
We NEVER miss your deadline.
Great service! Very prompt getting back on pricing and with turning around the actual document. They explain very well the process for payment/editing/the services they provide etc. The website is thorough and not gimmicky, well-written and tailored especially to an academic audience. That put me at ease, since there are so many scams out there. I have used them for multiple manuscripts and they never disappoint. Based on my review of other rates out there, their rates are incredibly reasonable, definitely on the lowest $ end as of this writing. However the good price does not mean lower quality; again, I have been very impressed. I look forward to using this service going forward.

We respond to all queries within one business day (business hours are 8.30am to 5.00pm Eastern Time, Monday to Friday).